19 March 2021 14:05 PM
Soon anyone visiting Horsham`s recycling tip will have to book their trip in advance and will be limited to one visit per household per week. The trial scheme is being introduced as West Sussex County Council anticipates increased demand during the spring and summer months. It starts on the 29th of March and visits can be booked online or by phone.
WSCC Cabinet Member for the Environment, Deborah Urquhart, said: “We know that the spring and summer months bring an increased demand, but this year many residents will have been delaying their visits to our sites because of the lockdown restrictions, and capacity on sites has been reduced because of the on-going need to protect people with social distancing measures.
“Over the coming months as lockdown restrictions are hopefully eased, we expect the demand at sites to continue to be high as people start to visit shops or make journeys which they have been putting off.
“This scheme will allow the demand at our sites to be spread out safely over the course of the week rather than large queues forming at peak times as we have seen previously.
“Not only will residents be able to safely dispose of their recycling and waste without enduring long waiting times, but the scheme will also reduce disruption to local residents, businesses and the highway network.”
The scheme also applies to other household waste recycling sites in West Sussex.
To find out more or to book your slot click here or call 01243 642106.
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